Wednesday, 24 November 2021

[FRO] ``Why don't you try to publish your works in decent journals?''

How do you know I didn't?! I tried many times and still am trying, but this act of trying is an act of conforming a little to society so that you are not called `crazy', `crackpot' or a `weirdo'; nothing more; no virtue in it. The ideal (ought) is not to try at all to feed those pigs. 

There is a subtle psychological effect, let us call it Soyjak Effect*, according to which people tend to subconsciously worship

  1. Works that are `published'
  2. History that is passed
This effect must have a deep root in humans, as even myself sometimes fall prey to it!
In short, people, even if they are consciously insisting against it, tend to take works that are `verified' by society more serious. No matter how much you like/trust a piece of work, if it is not `published' you tend to give it less value. This is a perfect means of exploitation for the academic bourgeoisie via `scientific' journals. 
Whether the solution is to accept the commodification of knowledge and thought labour, or to abolish the whole system, I intend to fight this effect by whatever means I can. One way of fighting this sheep herd tendency of people is to shatter their preconceptions and prejudices regarding the quality of a scientific communication: a piece of work must be read and judged per se, in itself, for itself, no matter if Witten wrote it or Trump did. 
If Trump writes a monumental paper in theoretical physics, then so be it: it's a monumental paper anyway. If that Trump's work is correct, then so be it. It does not need Witten or Weinberg or Biden's confirmation. 
If Jamali's works are correct/valuable, then so be it. They neither need 't Hooft's confirmation nor any publication as they state some eternal truth.

 What is the point of publication anyway?!
  •  Is it to inform the community of pursuers of truth? --Provided they exist in the first place-- Then we already have enough means of free** communication: ResearchGate, viXra, Preprints.
I started a list, but now I cannot think of any other option... 

* Refers to Soyjak memes

** Socially Free is the reason I exclude arXiv. arXiv is not free: it is a blatant infringement of the basic human right of freedom of speech. And financially free is the reason I do not include ResearchersOne.

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